Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Obama and Romney have equal chances of Winning the elections.

As just 21 days remain, its still uncertain who is going to win the polls and become the next President of the United States. But recent surveys suggests that the current President stands slightly a better chance at retaining his leadership at The White House.

As the most recent abc news survey showed, 49 % of voters are favoring Obama, and 46% favoring Romney. That's within the poll's margin of error. But Obama was said to heading in 9 of the most important states- Florida, Colorado, Nevada, New Hampsire, Virginia and Wisconsin.

This survey also put some light on the moods of the voters. It is improved allot. But, more than 42% says that the country is heading to the right path. The good news for Obama is that the figure was up by 13% since the last survey that was done late august. The figures are now at a point which are reasonable. And it shows that recent speeches of both Obama and Michelle Obama has convinced the citizens.

The thing to worry about is that, the survey shows that not many voters were satisfied with the economic plans that both the Presidential candidates have put up. Voters also think that Mitt Romney will be favoring the wealthy people more than the poor. And by voters, I mean 57% of them. So, that's a big issue with the republican candidate.

Whoever wins, we will be covering all the latest turn up of events in this blog.
So follow us to get all the Politics News here.
Thanks For Reading.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Firefox for Windows 8 Download

Hello Readers,

Today Ill be uploading the latest version of Firefox that supports Windows 8.

Some of the features of the latest Firefox -

  • Awesome Bar - Get to your favorite sites quickly – even if you don’t remember the URLs. Type your term into the location bar (aka the Awesome Bar) and the autocomplete function will include possible matches from your browsing history, bookmarked sites and open tabs.
  • Improved InterfaceWe’re always looking for ways to make your browsing easier and more efficient.
    Read on for our latest improvements (or watch the video):
  • Firefox Button - All your menu items are now found in a single button for easy access.
  • Simplified reload button - Your Awesome Bar now features one easy button to stop loading pages or reload pages


    Please subscribe us for more software for windows 8